DREAM Ambassadors
Mission Statement
The Alabama DREAM Ambassadors are Dedicated, Responsible, Empowered and Motivated to improving the foster care experience for youth. We will strive to be positive role models for all foster youth. We pledge to serve our communities. We seek the guidance and knowledge of our adult leaders in making this dream a reality.
For more information please email Lori Daiker, IL Youth Outreach Specialist at ldaiker@childrensaid.org, OR APPLY BELOW!

Why Be An Ambassador?
1. To advocate for new laws to improve the life of youth in foster care.
2. To assist the policy makers on best practice methods for foster youth.
3. To promote leadership skills to youth in foster care.
4. To provide peer counseling and mentoring for youth in foster care.
5. To educate community and public leadership toward involvement in Independent Living Program issues.

Eligibility Requirements
1. Must be 14 – 25
2. Presently or previously in care
3. Must be/been in Alabama foster care for one year
4. Demonstrate leadership qualities/abilities
5. Must be socially responsible